Home - People - Stoker, Mandy

Photographer: Various

Reclaiming the baby

Prepping candles and speaches

Passing down the light

The full wedding party

Prepping for the cool evening

College buddies

Photo time

Properly assembled

Smores envy

Watching the opening

Tea time

Watching the present excitement

Post-dinner conversation

Ricardo dodges the camera

Mandy and Ricardo

Mandy, all set to chaperone the homecoming dance



Kiki and Mandy

Time for a little R&R

Mandy busts out her camera too

Mandy getting sick of all the cameras

The readers

Enjoying the heat

Breakfast begins

Watching Emory watch Footloose

The thick watermellon slicers

Mandy's Don't-You-Dare-Tell-Me-Anything-About-The-New-Harry-Potter face

The leash is just a little too short

Mandy cruises into first

Looks like a bunt

Mandy captures the pose

Racing up the hill

A little Halloween mayhem

Pre-carving strategizing

The mayhem begins

Serious stabbing action

The soft underbelly of the beasts exposed

Zoe's watchful eye

Finishing up the final touches

Mandy's arms, out of control

Affixing the bridesmaid gifts

Chaos in the staging area

Mandy and Britt

The trouble-making table

Mandy lectures

The early dancers

Something fun on the ceiling?

Mandy working on the table

Heading back down

Checking out the view

Nicely done

Mandy gives her approval

Pita leads on for round two

Waiting for the next group

Mandy and Ricardo, up close

Mandy and Ricardo wait for the pictures to be done

More Arizona connections

Mandy and Ricardo

Mandy with Seattle folks

Mandy with Arizona folks

Mandy and her baby


Please see individual photos for copyright information.